A problematic website could never lead a good traffic. What we meant by problematic here is the website that’s not responsive, has a very confusing navigation, is not mobile-friendly, and many other issues that could worsen the user experience. If you do want to make a website effective, you’ll have to make it user-friendly.
Why many developers are focusing on improving the user experience? Because it matters, a lot. When your audience visits your website, they expect to access anything they want normally. If they want to see the products, the navigation should show where the product list is located. If they want to access it from mobile, your website should be able to fulfill the request.
But, how to make a website more user-friendly? Are there any tips to do so? In this article, we’ll explain several methods to make your platform more friendly to visitors. By configuring a few things, you can make your website more optimized.
Making User-Friendly Website Automatically
The normal way of creating a website starts with choosing a platform, buying a domain, and manually designing it. If these look overwhelming, there’s another thing you can do. If someone wants to make a website automatically, he/she looks for AI website builders. By using the inputs from the users, the system will create a desired website automatically. This will make the process a lot quicker and more easy for everyone.
The manual website building does have its complexity, but also customization benefits. No matter which way you want to use it, a website should be easy to use and can effortlessly accommodate users to the right information they want to access. The process should be as effortless as possible.
They may stay longer if your website is comfortable enough. But if it isn’t, they will abandon your website for good.
How to Make a Website User Friendly
If the user experience matters a lot, how do we create a website that’s user-friendly? There are some tips you can try, such as:
Table of Contents
1. Select a Design That’s Easy for Users
Sometimes, developers want to pick a design that looks good for themselves. For aesthetical purposes, they would often abandon several important things in a website, including the navigation bar. There’s also the case when the team chooses a design that’s easy for them to configure and maintain, leaving the website looking worse.
Thus, it’s important to find the balance between the look and usability. Ensure that you’re creating a website for your visitors, not for your own ego or the team. With this idea in mind, you may always create some developments that will always put the visitors first and lead to a strongly branded website.
2. Offers Additional Languages
A website should be accessible to the target market. If you’re selling your products in your country, it’s always better to offer a local language that the visitors may understand. Offering a different version of your website may offer a great chance of having a specific target market that you want. If you approach this method, make sure that the translation does make sense.
3. Keep Everything Simple
A good website is not one that uses excessive plugins or too many navigation options. What matters is that your visitors may access every information they need with much ease. And it’s only possible if your website is simple enough.
You don’t need to decorate each page with extreme visuals. Instead, make sure that each page is easy to find so that the visitors won’t be stuck somewhere when they want to search for a specific thing. Keep the process straightforward and offer good access to the information for the visitors.
4. Use Headings and Subheadings
When you offer a 1,000-word long article with no headings, pictures, or anything that can be used to break the paragraphs, everyone will run away. Very long paragraphs are not preferable for visitors, especially if you present nothing but the text.
Instead of presenting the whole thing, it’s better to use an information chunking strategy. This method will have you divide the paragraph using headings and subheadings in order to make the content easier to understand. Using pictures or an embedded video may also help in explaining the context better and making your site more user-friendly.
5. Make Navigation Easier to Access
When making a website, make sure that the navigation is clear enough for visitors to understand. Navigation is crucial as it acts as a compass that leads to specific information. So, when visitors come to your website, they expect the navigation to be able to show the directions.
Not only the correct information, but the navigation should always present the correct links. When it leads to somewhere else, it would make the visitors feel frustrated. As an example, when visitors click the “Product List” tab, instead of being taken to the products, the system will take them to the “About” page instead.
6. Keep It More Friendly
Most people would visit your website through their phones. With that in mind, it’s always better to keep your site mobile-friendly. Keep the design simple enough, but still accessible on mobile.
Other than making the user experience better, it’s also good for your SEO.