From the past couple of years, the demand to earn money by typing while you sit at your home is increasing day by day. There are many women who are sitting at home and also many people who want to work on typing projects from their home.

There are many ways with the help of which you will be able to online earn money by typing and there are many websites in India that are opening this kind of jobs to people. We are going to provide you a list in which we will tell you some ways with the help of which you will be able to earn money by typing.
All of the ways that we have mentioned in this list are 100% genuine and you are going to get paid for the work you do by typing. People are getting digital and they are many Indian websites that are available and many want content writers for their websites. They are ready to pay enough money to those who can provide them good content with good quality as well as which is unique as well.
9 ways to earn money online by typing pages in India-
1. Making money by translating English blogs to Hindi
It is the type of job which is trending the most in India in the year 2018 and with the help of this kind of job you will be able to earn money just by sitting at your home and translating English blocks into Hindi.
Because of the changing algorithm of Google, there has been a lot of push towards the Hindi language and the bloggers are trying to work on Hindi blogs as well that are present in India.
You can take advantage of this and contact them and you can write Hindi to English blogs for them or English to Hindi blogs for them as well according to their need.
If you are good at typing Hindi blogs then you can try to work on it and get paid a good amount of money as well.
Read:- How to earn money while sitting at home?
2. Join
It is a website where you can post a small gig of yourself where you can describe your talent and the people who want to get their work done and your talent match the skill that they need, they might contact you.
If you are interested in content writing on typing jobs then you can post it on this website and soon you will notice that people are trying to contact you to get the job done and you will get paid for it.
3. Freelancing typing projects
If you are a person who is looking for a part-time job who already has a job then you can get projects from
Here you just need to create an account of yourself and you can start working on data entry or typing jobs that are offered by various companies.
If you have a good typing speed then you can earn a lot by typing and you can work anytime and it’s completely your choice for how much time do you want to work on the project.
Competition is here also and you will have to keep the pricing yours a little bit low and the starting and you have to provide quality work to your customers as well.
4. Document typing jobs
There are many companies that are offering document typing jobs and you can take advantage of it. Companies like cyber Expo are providing document typing jobs to two people and you can contact them for the job.
You can easily sign up for free on their website and you can start at home making money ideas just by typing. You can earn around $300 to $700 in a month just by doing this job.
5. Tamil Page typing jobs
You can go to Cyber Expo and get jobs for Tamil speech writing. There is a huge demand for this kind of job in South India and if you are good at Tamil then you can try this job. You can translate English or Hindi documents into Tamil. You just need to create an account on cyber Expo and you can start earning money.
You can earn around $1 to $5 for each and every 5-page document that you do. It is an easy way to work from home and earn money. Here you just need to type and earn money.
6. Typing for Bloggers
There are many bloggers who are in great need of content writers. If you are a person who is good at content writing you can work for those bloggers and get paid for each and every block that you write for them.
Due to the increasing demand for content writers, the payment also pretty has for the blogs that you’re writing. You can go to different Indian websites and from their contact info, you can mail them for the job of content writing. It is a great way to type and earn.
7. Join Content Writing Facebook groups
There are many Facebook groups available which you can join. In these groups, there are many bloggers who are looking for good content writers for their websites and you can contact them directly through those Facebook groups.
It is a very easy way with the help of which you can get in contact with bloggers who are in need of content writers for their websites. You can get paid for each and every blog that you write for their websites. It is a great way to earn money from home typing.
8. Online Captcha type typing Jobs
This is a good way with the help of which you will be able to earn money without doing any kind of investment. There are many captcha typing jobs that are available for people in India where you just need to sign up and it is also completely free to join.
You can get paid for each and every captcha job that you do. You can try this if you want to earn by typing.
9. Earn money by writing complete Hindi blogs –
If you have good skills in typing in Hindi then there is a great opportunity for you to earn money online without any kind of investment by writing Hindi blogs. Other than translating English to Hindi blogs you can also write a complete Hindi blog and get paid much more than that.
For this, you need to have great skills in Hindi. This is one of the best ways to earn online by typing.
So this was the complete answer to your question about how to earn money online by typing. You can try any of these ways to earn money just by typing.
I hope this article was helpful to you and if it was then let us know in the comments down below and if you have any kind of situations then you can mention them in the comments as well.